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QBI Health Scan

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The QBI Health Scan is a computerised system that uses the electromagnetic waves produced by the body to detect the signs of any ill health and the early signs of any potential health concerns within the body.

This non-invasive procedure, which takes approximately three minutes to perform, works at the cellular level and records the findings against a defined set of parameters as the client holds a sensory probe in one hand.

The results are then displayed on the computer screen and this can be emailed across to the client immediately.

All consultations last for one hour

The price for a full consultation at the centre: £90

Home visits: £125

(Services outside of the M25 will come with additional charges)

For further information and to book a consultation please CONTACT HERE

This computerised health report will then be followed up by a comprehensive written report by your practitioner, Faye Hall.  This will be sent to you via email within seven days of your QBI consultation.

This programme recommends a raw food life style to obtain optimum health. However there is flexibility within the programme to ensure that the client is confident in their own ability to adhere to the programme.

Faye also offers a combined approach to her services by looking at the impact of her client’s intake of food with their emotional health, as she advocates that there is a link between the two. If you would like to take a holistic approach to your journey of wellness where all aspects of your life will be examined please contact Faye for a consultation.